Health & Safety Policy

Memorial Park is a public ground and therefore all users must be mindful that members of the public may walk onto the ground at any time. 


Athletics Taieri is covered by Athletics New Zealand (ANZ) third party insurance and accidental injuries by Accident Compensation Corporation.  Neither of these removes from those involved the standard of “reasonable care”. By documenting known or anticipated risks and applying the agreed strategies the Executive are discharging their obligations for “reasonable care” and should not be liable under civil or criminal law.


It is our intention to make the environment and activities at the club as safe as possible for our members. We have in place the following guidelines to ensure this:

Athletes must always follow instructions of adults in charge of each event; failure to do so may result in the athlete being asked to sit out that event;
We request that children aged under 14 are accompanied at club nights by a parent or adult caregiver;
Athletes must stay with their age group until asked to move to next event;
The entire club night area is smoke free for officials, participants and spectators;
It is recommended that footwear is worn in the car park to protect against broken glass, stones etc;
Rakes, shovels and brooms are to be used by helpers only;
There will be no throwing of sand from sand pits;
There will be no running across the running track;
Junior athletes are only authorised to be in the clubrooms under the supervision of an adult.

It is important that we advise all officials, athletes, parents, supporters and general public of any potential hazards that we have identified in our club events when using our equipment. We have developed the following Individual Event and Safety Rules that address these potential risks. We welcome any additional hazards and suggestions you may identify.

All equipment is to be up to NZCAA/ANZ standard and is regularly checked for defects and replaced if necessary.

The club rooms are a training area for athletes and athletes training in this area do so at their own risk. The athlete acknowledges that he or she enters the training facility and uses the same entirely at his or her own risk in all respects, and neither Athletics Taieri nor its coaches, officials, committee members, agents, contractors or other parties associated with Athletics Taieri or the training facility accept any liability whatsoever, physical, financial or otherwise, for any loss (direct or indirect), damage, injury or death which may result (whether or not by negligence) or be sustained by the athlete or any other party directly or indirectly associated with the athlete, arising from the intended or actual use by the athlete of the training facility, or any related activity.

No athlete shall train in the facility by themselves – another person with a charged cell phone shall always be in attendance.

This is a living document and may be updated at any stage during the season.
Document last updated 29/3/21

Athletics Taieri Executive

Version 2021.1